The mistake that people make in stand-up is thinking they're profound or they're deep when there are so many people who have more worthwhile ways of phrasing things.

  • -- Colin Quinn 科林·奎因



I always like to take my time and examine the two candidates, see not only the two candidates but the policies they will bring in, the people they will bring in, who they might appoint to the Supreme Court, and look at the whole range of issues before making a decision.


It's an unusual opportunity, a chance for so many people to share in the excitement and the fun of the fact that we may be on to hints as to what the Universe is made out of. I guess the whole point of a prize like this is to be able to get that out into the community.


[T]he true is only the expedient in the way of our thinking, just as the right is only the expedient in the way of our thinking.


Yahoo is all about content. Deep reservoirs of important content in many, many strong areas.


I want you to be everything that's you, deep at the center of your being.


You are what you think ... geez, that's frightening.
