When you locate good in yourself, approve of it with determination. When you locate evil in yourself, despise it as something detestable.

  • -- Xunzi 荀子



When a man sees something desirable, he must reflect on the fact that with time it could come to involve what is detestable. When he sees something that is beneficial, he should reflect that sooner or later it, too, could come to involve harm.


You have nothing coming into a major metropolitan area to relocate or locate your business and employees. And you can go across the country and you'll see that.


They that approve a private opinion, call it opinion; but they that dislike it, heresy; and yet heresy signifies no more than private opinion.


If what the heart approves conforms to proper patterns, then even if one's desires are many, what harm would they be to good order?


Three quarters of the East Coast's refinery capability is located in the Philadelphia region.
