To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts.

  • -- Lyndon B. Johnson 林登·约翰逊



I was trying to uphold what I thought feminism was as best I could by supporting women, by trying to create an opportunity to get women to get together, play music together and celebrate the fact that we are having great success making music on our own and together.Great


Men were only made into "men" with great difficulty even in primitive society: the male is not naturally "a man" any more than the woman. He has to be propped up into that position with some ingenuity, and is always likely to collapse.


It is truly a privilege to be able to support all women's causes on a global level. It is remarkable that something as simple as television can empower us to create change and awareness in the world.


Anytime I am around a male body part it is kind of exiting.
