After these three novels I gave up writing novels for a time; I was dissatisfied with romantic doom, yet didn't see much way around it.

  • -- Nicholas Mosley 莫斯利



I just meant as far as coming to the games on time; it was just like I was under the microscope, every little thing, it was like they were looking for me to come in here with my shoes untied.


It's true that immigrant novels have to do with people going from one country to another, but there isn't a single novel that doesn't travel from one place to another, emotionally or locally.


I'd say that the question whether love still exists plays the same role in my novels as the question of God's existence in Dostoevsky.


The difficulty is to try and teach the multitude that something can be true and untrue at the same time.


I'm not dissatisfied with my place in it rock 'n' roll.
