It doesn't upset artists to find out that artists used lenses or mirrors or other aids, but it certainly does upset the art historians.

  • -- Chuck Close 夹头关闭



It certainly doesn't impact me much this year. You never know what's going to happen down the road, but I wouldn't expect it to have much effect on me this year. If it does, then I'm not doing my job, anyway.


I am certainly not arguing for the de facto autonomy of the individual work, even though there is much to be said for making the attempt to see it in that light as one facet of the reception process.


Artists don't always know. Almost every song I ever recorded that was a hit at the majors that the promotional people picked I didn't think it would be a hit. I was wrong every time!


One way to find food for thought is to use the fork in the road, the bifurcation that marks the place of emergence in which a new line of development begins to branch off.


I have many favorite artists... Van Gogh as one, but he didn't really sing a lot!


Instead of trying to find yourself find who you aren't, and go from there.
