I am proud that my collections have received such praise, and I am even more proud to share the stage with so many talented designers.

  • -- Nicole Richie 妮可·里奇



Incidentally, the usual designation of the magnitude scale to my name does less than justice to the great part that Dr. Gutenberg played in extending the scale to apply to earthquakes in all parts of the world.


I was told by the general manager that a white player had received a higher raise than me. Because white people required more money to live than black people. That is why I wasn't going to get a raise.


I'm a pain in the ass to all of the costume designers with whom I work because I have very strong feelings about the subject.


I received an honorary doctorate for my work. Maybe one of these works is considered the equivalent of a Ph.D.


We are at the point where game designers have become celebrities due to the size of the market they serve.


I am a fashion designer, so I guess that makes me an overpacker.
