I wished to photograph the other animals to photograph us, but us from the beginning, the time we lived in equilibrium with nature.

  • -- Sebastiao Salgado 萨尔加多



Artists are the people that no matter what, pick up the pen, pick up a paintbrush. They take the time to translate what is happening to create something that resonates deeply with the rest of the people that are caught in the middle of their own reality.


I had about the biggest, longest wish list anyone could have, and 99 percent of what I wanted to get on the screen we got on the screen within our schedule and within our budget and within our resources.


I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel.


I'm a gemini, and I get so bored so easily. I mean, I have moved six times in the last eight years.
