I'm in this band to give volume to various struggles throughout the world. To me, the tension in this band is a minimal sacrifice.

  • -- Zack De La Rocha 扎克·德·拉罗查



Sometimes they keep us in the dark, but it's TV, so sometimes they keep us in the dark because even they don't know yet. You know what I mean? So, it sort of develops as it goes along and according to various needs that arise.


If the pressure is getting to you, whistle. In a barely audible way. It's the best way I know of to let go of tension. Music gets your mind off the situation, and the act of whistling melts the tension out of your body.


That is why we are working with these various groups that have volunteers. We can get a lot of these things done. Nobody has dropped out, and a lot of people would like to join. We now know what each other does.


The discoloration is very minimal. I have not turned blue. The extent of skin discoloration is not even remotely near what the news media are saying. It is barely noticeable.


Top-down authority structures turn employees into bootlickers, breed pointless struggles for political advantage, and discourage dissent.


One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing.


A teacher should have maximal authority, and minimal power.


I've been through a lot of struggles.
