To every object there correspond an ideally closed system of truths that are true of it and, on the other hand, an ideal system of possible cognitive processes by virtue of which the object and the truths about it would be given to any cognitive subject.

  • -- Edmund Husserl 埃德蒙·胡塞尔



You will never catch up with the spread of AIDS no matter how much money, no matter how many antiretrovirals are put into the system, unless you stop its growth. And the only way to stop its growth is prevention.


How can any company know if its processes, products, people are safe? Only if everyone is watching and telling the truth. The first part can be assumed; the second cannot.


In this movement of colors I find the essence, which does not arise from a system, or an a priori theory.


We cannot therefore say that mental acts contain a cognitive as well as a conative element.


Genius is rarely able to give any account of its own processes.
