Some ideas you have to chew on, then roll them around a lot, play with them before you can turn them into funky science fiction.

  • -- Rudy Rucker 鲁迪·卢克



Because in order to beat Jimmy, I had to get around the ball a little bit quicker so I wasn't always on defensive and catching the ball on last stride, that I had little more time. Once I was able to get little bit quicker, then it has helped me a lot.


I love to hang out and talk to people on set, especially when I start a new job to get to know them. I like to learn things from the crew so I sit around and ask them technical questions, when I think of them.


I had just lost my dad and I remembered all the songs we used to go and hear at concerts, and the records around the house and sometimes we'd play together.


I always play every game like my back is against the wall, that this could be it.
