A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.

  • -- John Calvin 约翰·卡尔文



And by the way I don't object if people want to attack me, that's their right. All I'm suggesting that it's not going to be very effective and that people are going to get sick of it very fast. And the guys who attacked each other in the debates up to now, every single one of them have lost ground by attacking.


You should never let a silly detail such as not getting attacked with a cake fork stand in the way of a little well-deserved sexy time.


It is the coward who fawns upon those above him. It is the coward who is insolent whenever he dares be so.


Who can separate his faith from his actions, or his belief from his occupations?


He who ploughs with young oxen, makes crooked furrows.


I'm a complete coward in real life.
