Whenever you're successful you owe that success to the people in the community, because they are the ones buying your product.

  • -- Carl Karcher 卡尔·卡彻



A successful work of art is not one which resolves contradictions in a spurious harmony, but one which expresses the idea of harmony negatively by embodying the contradictions, pure and uncompromised, in its innermost structure.


There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else. I don't care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause.


We must prepare the ground for creativity. And if this also gives rise later to success in the economic sense, success in terms of Euros and Cents, this will by no means reduce my joy.


Granted, the writers, directors, producers, and that community make a great deal of money. But they might be choosing to do a whole lot of other things for the living they make.


Nor knowest thou what argument Thy life to thy neighbor's creed has lent. All are needed by each one; Nothing is fair or good alone.

你也不知道什么理由 你的生命为你邻居的信仰提供了帮助。 每个人都需要一切; 没有什么是公平的,也没有什么是好的。

Give me a highly successful unionized industry.
