No artist work is so high, so noble, so grand, so enduring, so important for all time, as the making of character is a child.

  • -- Charlotte Saunders Cushman 夏洛特·桑德斯·库什曼



You look at the whole Human Rights questions, I happened to be there at just the right time when the country was awakening - this goes to the first question you asked - the whole country was awakening to a hundred years of injustice that hadn't been resolved yet.


And whether you're drawn to gospel music or church music or honky-tonk music, it informs your character and it informs your talent.


The time when you need to do something is when no one else is willing to do it, when people are saying it can't be done.


I think it is important for people who are given leadership roles to assume that role immediately.


The food in the South is as important as food anywhere because it defines a person's culture.


I'm gonna be a character in a Happy Meal.
