I don't tend to have a favorite album; I tend to have favorite tracks. There are flaws in every album that spoil it for me.

  • -- Robin Trower 羅賓特羅爾



I don't know if proud is the right word, but I am somebody who does not, on the whole, have the highest regard for my own stuff in that when I look all I get to see are the flaws.


It seemed like my favourite kind of job - a wonderful chance to ask something absolutely fundamental: the fate of the Universe and whether the Universe was infinite or not.


I don't want to have that thing where I make an album and then I'm super-constantly present in everyone's life for three years, and then gone for the next three.


Those are my favorite kind of parts to do, just being a goofball and seeing how far you can go with something until you're just way out of line.


I'd done three solo albums in a row, and that's quite narcissistic.
