You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

  • -- Franz Kafka 卡夫卡



Look at the means which a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself!


I am a curious person and, believe it or not, I really do like to sit back and listen to people's stories.


There are advantages to being a star though - you can always get a table in a full restaurant.


I can't cook, but I have a nice book of menus... and I can plate and set the table.


No eulogy is due to him who simply does his duty and nothing more.


I don't listen to much modern composition.
