The problem I have with schools is, people are taught, 'This is how you do this.' They're not taught about why you do this.

  • -- Rick Baker 里克·贝克



I have arrived at the conviction that the neglect by economists to discuss seriously what is really the crucial problem of our time is due to a certain timidity about soiling their hands by going from purely scientific questions into value questions.


Schools and parents can team up to find books that kids will really get excited about - that will make them say, 'That was a great experience. Now I know why people get excited about reading.'


No one ever taught me and I can't teach anyone. If you can't explain it, how can you take credit for it?


My problem with chess was that all my pieces wanted to end the game as soon as possible.


The Boys and Girls Club taught me a lot about sportsmanship, humility, self-respect.


It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of art.
