My health may be better preserved if I exert myself less, but in the end doesn't each person give his life for his calling

  • -- Clara Schumann 克拉拉舒曼



And there is a time where you can be beyond yourself. You can be better than your technique. You can be better than most of your usual ideas. And this is a whole other category that you can get into.


It's a big chip on my shoulder that I have not been to any of his parties - P. Diddy, Diddy Puff. But he was super nice to me. And he does look sharp, that guy. Doesn't ever go wrong with a suit.


What about our children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren? Do we not want them to live healthy and happy lives?


I'm not sure how healthy bacon is in general, but I know it's incredibly delicious.


I have little shame, no dignity - all in the name of a better cause.


I'm not a facelift person. I am what I am.
