I don't know what to do or where to turn in this taxation matter. Somewhere there must be a book that tells all about it, where I could go to straighten it out in my mind. But I don't know where the book is, and maybe I couldn't read it if I found it.

  • -- Warren G. Harding 哈定



Honestly, as hard a profession as acting is, I think music is even harder. Acting, you're like a leech, because someone else does the hard part for you. They write it for you, then the director tells you what to do. You really just need to know how to pay attention, follow instructions.


I've watched my duty, straight an' true, an' tried to do it well; Part of the time kept heaven in view, An' part steered clear of hell.


I like to say I'm more conservative than Goldwater. He just wanted to turn the clock back to when there was no income tax.


Faith certainly tells us what the senses do not, but not the contrary of what they see; it is above, not against them.


To be amused at what you read - that is the great spring of quotation.


I think poetry is best read to oneself.


No taxation without respiration.
