Yet, I am convinced that there is a need for high quality software, and the time will come when it will be recognized that it is worth investing effort in its development and in using a careful, structured approach based on safe, structured languages.

  • -- Niklaus Emil Wirth 尼古拉斯·埃米尔·沃思



In a previous life I wrote the software that controlled my physics experiments. That software had to deal with all kinds of possible failures in equipment. That is probably where I learned to rely on multiple safety nets inside and around my systems.


Having the Stitch character, the villain that becomes a hero, coming from outer space, it took a very difficult and complex story and put it into a simpler, kinder time.


If you spend all of your time racing ahead to the future, you're liable to discover you've left a great present behind.


The measure of your quality as a public person, as a citizen, is the gap between what you do and what you say.


Software patents are dangerous to software developers because they impose monopolies on software ideas.


One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe.


No taste is so acquired as that for someone else's quality of mind.


In a true zero-defects approach, there are no unimportant items.
