But I would bet that the euro continues to exist and that its importance as a global currency will likely increase.

  • -- Peer Steinbrück 同行Steinbr_ck



In short, no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world only to the extent that is supported by other patterns: the larger patterns in which it is embedded, the patterns of the same size that surround it, and the smaller patterns which are embedded in it.


Driving with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake is likely to get you nowhere, but certainly will burn out vital parts of your car. Similarly, cutting taxes on the middle class, but increasing them on the 'rich' is likely to result in an economic burnout.


I grew up years ago doing something that unfortunately doesn't hardly exist any more, a medium called Radio.


If we keep an open mind, too much is likely to fall into it.
