You know, I've done this show for six years, and this could be the first time that I had a person that actually got no points, and I think it's a damn fine way to go out. I thought I was a loser until you walked up here; you made me feel like a man.

  • -- Raymond Neil Combs Jr. 雷蒙德·尼尔·康姆斯



Today we bury his remains in the earth as a seed of immortality. Our hearts are full of sadness, yet at the same time of joyful hope and profound gratitude.


The best way to study is to go to the Cecchetti method for about a year and draw onto all the highest points and then put that into the general method.


We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.


I feel like with me being a big part of any offense, then the numbers are going to come.


Actually, I think it's quite sensible not to take yourself too seriously.


I cannot sing, dance or act; what else would I be but a talk show host.


Actually, no, because awards don't spark sales as much as you'd think.


I have always thought that change you can see and feel is best.


My opinion can be completely different after a show.


Where passion leads or prudence points the way.
