I can handle the craziness some of the time, maybe most of the time. But I know I can't handle it all of the time.

  • -- Chris Evans 克里斯·埃文斯



In coming to the Congress as a new Member and becoming a fellow Blue Dog, we have had an opportunity to share and really spend a great deal of time in examining the challenges that our Nation finds itself in in getting its fiscal house in order.


I enjoy watching competitive people. You watch 'em come and you watch 'em go, and how they try to be the best. How they handle when they're not. How they handle when they are. How they get along together on the court.


All the gossip and craziness becomes a kind of sustained narrative which, in turn, can become history. It's scary.


My touring has never stopped; from the time I started doing stand-up, I've been on the road.


Please handle this situation. This is extremely disturbing to me.


One persons craziness, is another persons reality.
