I have an adult emotional life and an editing system inside me which prevents me from being preposterously stupid.

  • -- Stephen Hopkins 霍普金斯



I'm just attracted to the action element of science fiction. It's great to sit in the editing room with the director and sound engineers and to create the feeling where your heart is racing and you're sitting at the edge of your seat and you find yourself holding your breath.


Nothing prevents us from being and remaining the exponents of a united humanity, when we have a country of our own. To fulfill this mission we do not have to remain literally planted among the nations who hate and despise us.


The problem with a purely collective system is not only that it requires economic growth, and the right sort of demographic trends, but that it prevents people thinking about their futures in a responsible way.


There are editing procedures for talks just as there are editing procedures in jazz improvisation.


Predictions are preposterous.
