It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.

  • -- Henry Ford 亨利福特



The toughest thing about the power of trust is that it's very difficult to build and very easy to destroy. The essence of trust building is to emphasize the similarities between you and the customer.


Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.


I have a beautiful son, I don't regret it, I'm very proud of the way that we handle our relationship and the way that we keep our son first and that's our priority.


I got more hoes than I can handle, I'm on top of the cake like a candle, They mad at us cause we stackin bucks, But the haters get road on like a camel.
