The thing that contributes to anyone's reaching the goal he wants is simple wanting that goal badly enough.

  • -- Charles E. Wilson 查尔斯E.威尔逊



I want to clear my mind a little bit and give my mind a little bit of time to breathe so I can pinpoint or at least nail down feelings I'm having and that I've had for the last however long. I need to nail them down long enough to actually write about and elaborate on them.


When I listen to my favorite songwriters, they have such simple melodies and chords. I occasionally manage to stop at the right time, but all too often I keep on going until I have way too many notes and words. But that's just what I do.


I think the theater work and the on-camera work feed off each other. My theater work has become more simple, and my on-camera work has become more energized or more spontaneous.


Stated clearly enough, an idea may cancel itself out.
