To solve a problem it is necessary to think. It is necessary to think even to decide what facts to collect.

  • -- Robert M. Hutchins 罗伯特·M·哈钦斯



Actually, I think I come at things a whole different way from most people, and, you know, sometimes political answers are one way to solve the problem, and sometimes there are better ways to do it.


I formed a resolution to never write a word I did not want to write; to think only of my own tastes and ideals, without a thought of those of editors or publishers.


I sometimes think the chef end of cooking is not the real end of cooking. Cooking is all about homes and gardens, it doesn't happen in restaurants.


All of which was OK, as that proved then, I certainly wouldn't contradict it as a necessary sense of things.


The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience.


Always be a little kinder than necessary.
