When I was growing up, I thought I'd be a lot happier if I was famous and successful and if I had money.

  • -- Russell Brand 罗素·布兰德



I'm a guy who has problems with moderation. All or nothing. Binge and purge. Kill or be killed. Gray is not a color I wear well. I should be dead. I know that. I should not be successful. I know that too. My daily existence is a toss of the coin - one side, fear, the other side, gratitude.


I don't think the process was successful and should be inspected closer. I am not afraid to say I am not familiar with the entire process, so before commenting further I would have to study the process more in depth.


Pairs skating and singles are two different things. Although some skaters have achieved this successfully, it is a very difficult transition. You're looking at double work.


A market that's as open as possible is the precondition for a successful economy, and a successful economy is the precondition to being able to pay for social security.
