A great many things have been pronounced untrue and absurd, and even impossible, by the highest authorities in the age in which they lived, which have afterwards, and, indeed, within a very short period, been found to be both possible and true.

  • -- Catherine Crowe 凯瑟琳·克劳



It would be very discouraging if somewhere down the line you could ask a computer if the Riemann hypothesis is correct and it said, 'Yes, it is true, but you won't be able to understand the proof.'


It's good to raise awareness that men and boys are struggling, at least many of them are. But why say men are finished? It's too harsh, too sweeping, and it happens to not be true.


Living in dreams of yesterday, we find ourselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests.


In poetry everything which must be said is almost impossible to say well.
