I wholeheartedly support umbilical stem cell research, but also support embryonic stem cell research.

  • -- Eliot Engel 恩格尔



It is this research into pure painting that is the problem at the present moment. I do not know any painters in Paris who are really searching for this ideal world.


I'm very much in support of the free press, but the free press ought to be educational and informative. And I believe they have fallen down recently on that.


We live in an age where the artist is forgotten. He is a researcher. I see myself that way. We live in an age where the artist is forgotten

我们生活在一个艺术家被遗忘的时代。他是一名研究员。我就是这么看自己的。 我们生活在一个艺术家被遗忘的时代

I was able to support myself by acting alone about six years ago. Until then, I was just scraping by.
