I didn't want to get married - I thought it was like a cult! It seemed so conservative and unnatural.

  • -- Alicia Silverstone 艾丽西娅·西尔弗斯通



In the country the darkness of night is friendly and familiar, but in a city, with its blaze of lights, it is unnatural, hostile and menacing. It is like a monstrous vulture that hovers, biding its time.


I had no fear 'cause it seemed everyone in the audience always applauded whatever I did. Course, maybe it was because I always seemed to know everyone in the audience.


Playing a show before thousands of people is a highly unnatural state and when I get on the mat to do an hour of yoga before the show, I come out physically relaxed.


To middle-class parents, the project team may have seemed unfit for children, but it was exactly what I needed.
