If you combat an international phenomenon, it is indispensable to share information internationally.

  • -- Gijs de Vries 朱斯德弗里斯



Occasionally we have to interpret an international treaty - one, perhaps, affecting airlines and liability for injury to passengers or damage to goods. Then, of course, we have to look to the precedents of other member nations in resolving issues.

有时我们必须解释一项国际条约- -也许是一项影响航空公司和对乘客受伤或货物损坏的责任的条约。然后,当然,我们必须参照其他会员国在解决问题方面的先例。

As we saw in the Queen's Speech, anti-social behaviour - a phenomenon that I believe to be a genuine worry that is also being fed by a lot of scare stories - is the political theme of the moment.


The international order established at the end of World War II could certainly have been worse. However, this order did contain certain factors which bore within them the seeds of instability.


Giving a phenomenon a label does not explain it.
