What's funny is my husband doesn't have any tattoos at all, so he must be the very conservative one.

  • -- Ashley Scott 斯科特



There is something in the act of having tattoos done that I love. It can be quite addictive. I've got a few on my back because my friend is an artist, and a few on my arms. Every time I pass a tattoo parlour, I think, 'Maybe just a tiny one.'


The son has always felt like he was a footnote in one of the stories the father tells. The father is an amazing storyteller and one of the tales that he tells is how he met his wife.


I'll never have a tattoo - I just don't like them, and when you're old they can look a disaster. As for piercings, I don't like them on men.


My wife says I'm making a noise like a stranded whale. I think I have a major snoring problem.
