If a theme or idea is too near the surface, the novel becomes simply a tract illustrating an idea.

  • -- Elizabeth Bowen 伊丽莎白·鲍恩



Nothing good gets written without the writer suffering along the way, in my opinion. Writing should be a pleasure, but unless you feel almost broken many, many times in the journey to a novel, you haven't pushed yourself hard enough.


The trouble with calling a book a novel, well, it's not like I'm writing the same book all the time, but there is a continuity of my interests, so when I start writing a book, if I call it 'a novel,' it separates it from other books.


You have an idea of the way you think it is, and it's not that way at all, it's something else.


Man is ready to die for an idea, provided that idea is not quite clear to him.
