After being in a gym, you're super hungry all the time because you're burning all these calories.

  • -- Jessica Szohr 杰西卡·绍尔



If it's just screaming - and I know this sounds so ridiculous - that gets old. But sometimes when there's literal chaos, it's like being in a war zone, and that's kind of exciting. You're just running through the crowd of people chasing after you and no one knows what's going on.


Ring out, ye crystal spheres, Once bless our human ears (If ye have power to touch our senses so), And let your silver chime Move in melodious time, And let the bass of Heaven’s deep organ blow; And with your ninefold harmony Make up full consort to th’angelic symphony.


After all is said that can be said upon the liquor traffic, its influence is degrading upon the individual, the family, politics and business, and upon everything that you touch in this old world.


What must be the nature of the world... if human beings are able to introduce changes into it?


Charity should begin at home, but should not stay there.


Lazy men get active when it's time to sleep.
