When I began making my own albums, the songs became funkier. They were more about the streets.

  • -- Paul Simon 保罗·西蒙



I find littering very annoying. It's a minor but also a major thing: a society that litters is one that also has so little respect for the environment and, consequently, other people. If we had clean streets, a lot of other things would be fixed almost effortlessly.


I had taken on the color of the climate around me and had driven back all the emotion that rose from the Brooklyn streets so that I could belong to the exclusive club of Congress.


The idea to do the album only on keyboards kind of happened by accident. I was quite happy with the sound and felt it really didn't need more instruments, so I didn't use them.


I began with track and field because this is what I know.


Nevery single note on this album is there for a reason.


My life really began when I married my husband.
