Today, I'm very careful not to mention very specific locations when I write or give captions.

  • -- Galen Rowell 加伦·罗威尔



We filmed one scene on the beach and there was definitely weird energy around, and we were followed around by a white owl to several different locations, and little things like that, or certain mishaps would happen and you'd have to wonder what that was about.


I was warmed by the sun, rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes. I was living peaceably when people began to speak bad of me. Now I can eat well, sleep well and be glad. I can go everywhere with a good feeling.


All pictures are unnatural. All pictures are sad because they're about dead people. Paintings you don't think of in a special time or with a specific event. With photos I always think I'm looking at something dead.


And I don't have any specific steps to take because I don't start the same way every time. But there is a knowing when it's enough and you can leave it alone.


You have to be careful not to let your fear stop you doing things. It's very exciting to test yourself.


Be careful what you show to the world for the wolf is always watching.


Silicon Valley is a mindset, not a location.


I'll talk about my Tony all day long.
