You can't be as old as I am without waking up with a surprised look on your face every morning: 'Holy Christ, whaddya know - I'm still around!' It's absolutely amazing that I survived all the booze and smoking and the cars and the career.

  • -- Paul Leonard Newman 保罗·伦纳德·纽曼



I've never stabbed, hurt, killed, stolen, anything, but I went to jail for a year. What is that? My pastor said to me the fact that I'm not living under a bridge as a crazy woman, talking to myself, is amazing.


I'm at a point where I don't have to wait for the income from the record to survive, so I'm in a comfortable zone, but I'll make rap records as long as I feel I have something to rap about.


I lost my second marriage because of drinking, and I loved the woman very much. But I thought I needed booze to write. I'm glad I was disabused.


Anybody who has survived his childhood has enough information about life to last him the rest of his days.


The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that fits all cases.


You're amazing just the way you are.


Apathy is a sort of living oblivion.
