Be careful who you open up to. Only a few people actually care, the rest are just curious.

  • -- Unknown 佚名



If I'd seen a grown man beating a crippled boy, of course I'd intervene. If my father died and left my mother destitute, it's your instinct to take care of her. So when I started to think about it in those terms, it started to make sense to me.


The important thing is this Just because I'm doing well doesn't mean that they're going to do well if they get HIV. A lot of people have died since I have announced. This disease is not going anywhere.


I don't care if I was a ditch-digger at a dollar a day, I'd want to do my job better than the fellow next to me. I'd want to be the best at whatever I do.


The best is he who calls men to the best. And those who heed the call are also blessed. But worthless who call not, heed not, but rest.


If we were together right now i would just want to sit in bed and snuggle eat cereal and watch stupid movies with you all day!


Mainly, when I go see a show, unfortunately it's more industrial espionage than it is going to actually enjoy a show.


Sometimes i want to send you a link to my blog, and just be like this is how i feel, this is what you do to me.


So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.


Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.


You've got enemies? Good. That means you actually stood up for something in your life.
