If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.

  • -- Richard Nixon 理查德·尼克松



I named it that because more or less each person from the band used to play in other bands and when we left respective bands other members from those bands all sort of changed round. It was a big sort of move thing. I got it from that, I suppose.


Hopefully, I can play both sides of the fence. That's probably what winning the Oscar gives me, the chance to do something with a studio and do other things that I really want to do.


'Secretariat' was such a magnificent animal, unbelievably beautiful and powerful. It's always nice to see something that close to perfection, a reason to celebrate.


New and beautiful things can grow in your life... But only if you give it room and let go of the past.


It's hard to say what I want my legacy to be when I'm long gone.


That makes classical music work, the ability to improvise.


You have to be a strong person to be in music, especially.


Sometimes the one you want is not the one you need.
