It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. Alfred lord tennyson.

  • -- Unknown 佚名



I never saw my dad cry. My son saw me cry. My dad never told me he loved me, and consequently I told Scott I loved him every other minute. The point is, I'll make less mistakes than my dad, my sons hopefully will make less mistakes than me, and their sons will make less mistakes than their dads.


Faith makes all evil good to us, and all good better; unbelief makes all good evil, and all evil worse. Faith laughs at the shaking of the spear; unbelief trembles at the shaking of a leaf.


When I lost the use of my hi-hat and bass drum legs, I became basically a singer. I was a drummer who did a bit of singing, and then I became a singer who did a bit of percussion.


I lost a year or two in there, trying to get films financed that I didn't know would never get financing.


I loved the idea of Travolta sitting on the kid's swing, pining away for his girlfriend.


The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.


You are better than my dream girl because you are real.


Love and kindness are never wasted.
