We started off all eight together, did some medium turns, then four went over to a jump.

  • -- A. J. Jones A.J.琼斯



Oh, yeah, I see the world differently now. Actually, when I first had the baby, I was breast-feeding him for two years straight. So we were together for two years of his life, every single day, all hours of the day. So I was two people, and I eventually morphed back into one.


Usually bands with violins - it's this little, poorly amplified looking kind of futile on stage, and that's not the way that my music is put together.


I work in a medium where I get to be totally invisible and I get great pleasure from that, being a pretty self-conscious person.


Fans tend to get too excited by streaks of either kind and I think the press does too. There should be a happy medium.
