To recover a spiritual tradition in which creation, and the study of creation, matters would be to inaugurate new possibilities between spirituality and science that would shape the paradigms for culture, its institution, and its people.

  • -- Matthew Fox 马修·福克斯



People thought I was this doll that came to life, so I would have different people just treating me very strangely as far as I was concerned. They wanted to see if I was real.


I don't think of myself predicting things. I'm expressing possibilities. Things that could happen. To a large extent it's a question of how badly people want them to.


I am keeping with tradition today. After I learned of my Golden Globe nomination, I went to the dentist, so today, let's make it the orthodontist.


You can never tell from what direction your gift will be coming, so you must stay open to all possibilities.


I like narrative storytelling as being part of a tradition, a folk tradition.


Traditionalists often study what is taught, not what there is to create.


People talk of me as being the inventor of the legal thriller.


I study only at those people to whom i trust.
