The meaning of this observation is unclear, but it raises the unfortunate possibility of ambiguous triplets; that is, triplets which may code more than one amino acid. However one would certainly expect such triplets to be in a minority.

  • -- Francis Crick 克里克



Along with you, I have witnessed the unfortunate rise in gasoline prices that has accompanied the summer driving season and the more recent spike in prices due to Hurricane Katrina.


Well, softness and femininity like yours people don't expect of me; so when they find me emotional and capable of real vulnerability, they're surprised.


The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.


The joys we expect are not so bright, nor the troubles so dark as we fancy they will be.


At a certain point, what people mean when they use a word becomes its meaning.


I think it's unfortunate to have critics for friends.
