There is no relation to sound for deaf people. It is a totally different mental process.

  • -- Richard Masur 理查德·马苏尔



Acoustic phonetics, which is developing and increasing in richness very rapidly, already enables us to solve many of the mysteries of sound, mysteries which motor phonetics could not even begin to solve.


If you like a story that's totally different and won't know which way it's going... where it's go ing to end up and which way it's going to take you, then I think my work fits the bill.


The sound is the key; audiences will accept visual discontinuity much more easily than they'll accept jumps in the sound. If the track makes sense, you can do almost anything visually.


This art of acting is a process I love very much. It's an unbelievably fulfilling experience for me and I look forward to building upon my art in the years to come.


Whether the process proves to be Kyoto or something else, let's acknowledge the urgency of global warming.


I'm a different person compared to who i was this time last year...
