No one can lie, no one can hide anything, when he looks directly into someone's eyes.

  • -- Paulo Coelho 保罗·柯艾略



What you are as a single person, you will be as a married person, only to a greater degree. Any negative character trait will be intensified in a marriage relationship, because you will feel free to let your guard down -- that person has committed himself to you and you no longer have to worry about scaring him off.


A person of definite character and purpose who comprehends our way of thought is sure to exert power over us. He cannot altogether be resisted; because, if he understands us, he can make us understand him, through the word, the look, or other symbol.


We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.


Lies like that are not a sin, they are a sacrifice.
