There are two competing philosophies in 'Wool': one is that people have to live under an iron thumb in order to survive, and the other one is that everyone should live completely freely and happily and everything will sort itself out.

  • -- Hugh Howey 休豪伊



You may find many contradictory statements and philosophies within my writings. However, to this I will say such is life, for life is full of contradictions.


I've had two children. I've had three boyfriends. I've had a lot of things happen that can change your opinions and values and philosophies.


I am a collaborator with everyone who agrees that I need to be in control. I happily collaborate with my loyalists.


No one of us can survive in the world of today, much less what it will become, without personal inspiration.


I've been torn up inside, oh! I've been left behind, oh! So I ride I have the will to survive.


It's just as hard... staying happily married as it is doing movies.
