Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful.

  • -- Malcolm Forbes 马尔科姆福布斯



I'm a guy who has problems with moderation. All or nothing. Binge and purge. Kill or be killed. Gray is not a color I wear well. I should be dead. I know that. I should not be successful. I know that too. My daily existence is a toss of the coin - one side, fear, the other side, gratitude.


Whenever you analyse anyone who has had any success and they're in the headlines, you will find they are human and make mistakes. I'm certainly that and I've made a lot of mistakes.


There is no better protection against the euro crisis than successful structural reforms in southern Europe.


I want to make exalted art. A successful image has pictorial lift. I am looking for whatever is up there.
