In scientific work, those who refuse to go beyond fact rarely get as far as fact.

  • -- Thomas Henry Huxley 赫胥黎



It took me way beyond what I knew, into places of which I was totally scared, but as I became less frightened, I welcomed new ways of thinking and approaching something. It made me an infinitely richer person, and I think a better musician.


The credit which the apparent conformity with recognized scientific standards can gain for seemingly simple but false theories may, as the present instance shows, have grave consequences.


Women are reputed never to be disgusted. The sad fact is that they often are, but not with men; following the lead of men, they are most often disgusted with themselves.


People get bent out of shape about the fact that when I was a kid, you could not drink out of certain water fountains. Well, the water was the same.


I refuse to prove that I exist, 'Says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith, I am nothing.'


The falsification of scientific data or analysis is always a serious matter.


We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse.


There's a part of me that looks beyond everything now.
