Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.

  • -- Frank Lloyd Wright 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特



When a man sees something desirable, he must reflect on the fact that with time it could come to involve what is detestable. When he sees something that is beneficial, he should reflect that sooner or later it, too, could come to involve harm.


I have friends who are capable of writing a very rough draft and then going back and embroidering - they're sort of the cathedral builders of fiction. I never really know what I'm doing, and all my pleasure's on the level of the line.


We shouldn't build a technology to colour, or grey out, what people say. The media in general is balanced, although there are a lot of issues to be addressed that the media rightly pick up on.


The absurd consequences of neglecting structure but using the concept of order just the same are evident if one examines the present terminology of information theory.


You really just have to come in and build the spirit up of your team by working them everyday, showing them examples of what they've done and reinforce their work.


Conventional people are roused to fury by departure from convention, largely because they regard such departure as a criticism of themselves.


We are obliged to regard many of our original minds as crazy at least until we have become as clever as they are.


Sometimes we used to eat once a day... chicken backs. You could buy four chicken backs for a quarter.


Is not the whole world a vast house of assignation of which the filing system has been lost?


Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it .is greatness.


My house is completely organized from my closets to my drawers.


My God, he looks like he's beating a chicken.
