Capital punishment is our society's recognition of the sanctity of human life.

  • -- Oscar Levant 马刀舞曲



Human life is held in much higher esteem, and the taking of it, whether in private quarrel or by judicial procedure, is looked upon much more seriously than it was formerly.


Fines are preferable to imprisonment and other types of punishment because they are more efficient. With a fine, the punishment to offenders is also revenue to the State.


God ceases to be God only for those who can admit the possibility of His non-existence, and that conception is in itself the most severe punishment they can suffer.


That thing of hell and eternal punishment is the most absurd, as well as the most disagreeable thought that ever entered into the head of mortal man.


Bereavement is the deepest initiation into the mysteries of human life, an initiation more searching and profound than even happy love.


A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.


The true object of all human life is play. Earth is a task garden; heaven is a playground.


I am passionately opposed to capital punishment, and I have been all my life.
